Inc Apps

H1 Employee Scheduling 2.1.6 Inc
The Humanity 2.0 mobile app is acompletelyredesigned companion app to the world-class employeescheduling andmanagement software of the same name. Having listenedto usersuggestions and recommendations, the new version wasredesigned asan employee-first mobile app.While the focus of Humanity is fast and accurateemployeescheduling, the platform itself offers much more forbusinesses ofall sizes. It enables companies to manage just aboutevery facet oftheir organizations; from creating and publishingemployeeschedules, to keeping track of time and attendance,managing leaverequests, communicating internally, analyzing KPIs,and muchmore.Using the new mobile app, employees are able to stay in the loopandconnect more easily with their workplace and colleagues.The app has been completely revamped! It’s immaculatelydesigned,fast, highly intuitive and incredibly easy to use.Humanity 2.0 serves the needs of employees with fivedifferentmodules within it: Workplace, Schedule, Timeclock, LeaveandConversations.Workplace: See a list of all your co-workers in oneplace,grouped by their locations and positions. With one tap, youwill beable to view employee details, see who’s working when andinitiatea chat with co-workers. You also have quick search optionsthatenable you to effortlessly find the co-worker you want tointeractwith. If you have more than one workplace on Humanity, youcanswitch between them and manage them all within the app.Schedule: See all your shifts so that you always know when youarescheduled to work. Get detailed summaries of your shifts,lettingyou know when, where and with whom you are working. Requestshifttrades and drops and see the status of these requests in realtime.Request to work open shifts.Timeclock: Clock in and out of your shifts from your mobiledevice.View your cumulative time clock history and daily reports.Seewhether you are working overtime. Enter your time clockinformationmanually if you have forgotten to clock in or out at thebeginningor end of a shift.Leave: Request time off using the Leave Calendar date picker,whichimmediately calculates and shows you how many days off youhaverequested and which days are non-working dates. See yourleavesummary and follow the status of your requests.Conversations: Connect with coworkers easily. Createcustomone-on-one or group chats with anyone within yourorganization.While this current version is dedicated to serving the needsofemployees, be on the lookout for the next iteration of theapp,which is going to include features for managers as well.Pricing for the full Humanity workforce managementsoftwarestarts at just $33 per month. The mobile app itself iscompletelyfree.
Humanity Station 1.1.9 Inc
Simple and powerful time clock system built for Android tabletdevices
Humanity - Employee Scheduling 3.9 Inc
Completely redesigned app to the world-class scheduling andmanagement software.
InstaSub For Teachers 3.0.6 Inc
InstaSub for TeachersPost Absences and Request Subs
InstaSub For Substitutes 4.0.3 Inc
InstaSub for Substitutes Find and Accept Jobs.
InstaSub For Administrators 3.0.3 Inc
InstaSub app for administrators provides a quick and easy way tomanage absences